Alien Orchid Dendrobium spectabile var. aureum


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One live, mature/blooming size Dendrobium spectabile orchid plant, better known as The Alien Orchid, a fragrant species orchid. Aureum variety spectabile are the rarer, fully yellow color form, whereas this unusual orchid would normally have color schemes typical of other Latouria section Dendrobiums (yellow cream w/ burgundy spots).

🌱 Live Dendrobium Orchid Plant
🌸 Blooming size, but not currently in bloom
🧐 Sweet fragrance!
🥗 4" Nursery Pot - Shape, color, and material vary
⚠️ Size as seen in photo #2, very young blooming size

Hailing from Oceana, this incredible looking orchid has an unforgettable claim to fame - it's the "Alien Orchid". It's fragrant too! Den. spectabile is in the parentage of many popular Latouria breeds like Dendrobium Sherry Abe, Dendrobium Adora Nishii, and our bestselling orchid, Dendrobium Pua'ala.
Dendrobium spectabile var. aureum is the rare yellow form of this quirky, collectible orchid.

Photo #1 credit Roy Andrade

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