Tag: complete care guide series

Juniper procumbens Bonsai Complete Care Guide
Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' - Mounding Juniper, Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper, or most popularly, just Juniper Bonsai. It's a wildly popular nursery product. We're talking big-industry production, imported on ships by the cargo container, plants passing through many hands on the way to the customer POPULAR. This plant has a predictable low and sprawling growth habit that reliably produces attractive silhouettes, even after branches are severely cut back.

Miltonia / Miltoniopsis Orchid Complete Care Guide
Miltonia and Miltoniopsis are frequently lumped together, but originate from two different environments, giving them slightly different culture requirements. Miltoniopsis thrive in cooler weather (like in the Andes mountains of South America), while Miltonias prefer warmer temperatures (like southern Brazil). Simple enough right?

Succulents Complete Care Guide
It all started with the Latin word “sucus”, which basically means to drink – specifically juice or sap. Now – before you get any ideas – let’s not go pouring apple juice in your succulent’s pot. Okay?

Oncidium Orchid Complete Care Guide
The Oncidium orchid genus, often abbreviated to just Onc, belongs to the angiosperm family Orchidaceae. Around 300 gorgeous species fall under this plentiful genus. Common names for these orchids include Dancing Lady or Golden Shower orchid, aptly named for their yellow-brown to golden dress-like petal arrangements.

Dendrobium Phalaenopsis Complete Care Guide
A lot of guides out there want to boil Dendrobium down to one simple guide, but a genus as huge as this one deserves special attention. There are a lot of different species of Dendrobium orchid – around 1,500 – and even more varieties/hybrids (sometimes called a “grex”). This care guide concerns Dendrobium phalaenopsis, which belong to the section Phalaenanthe.

Pothos Complete Care Guide
(AKA Devil’s Ivy, AKA Epipremnum Aureum) That’s right! Golden Pothos! Devil’s Ivy, Hunter’s Robe, Silver Vine, Epipremnum aureum (not to be confused with Philodendron)! Also, one of the countless plants carrying the moniker “Money Plant” (every plant’s money plant to the guy you get it from)!
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